Enroll in eBilling on myBeaufortCounty
Electronic billing – or eBilling – is a quick and convenient way to receive real estate, personal, and motor vehicle tax bills through myBeaufortCounty. Residents who sign up for eBilling will receive their tax bills electronically via a secure email, rather than getting a paper bill through the mail.
To get started, create an account (see Create a Profile on myBeaufortCounty) and connect your property (see Add a Property on myBeaufortCounty) then follow the steps below to enroll in eBilling:
1. Sign in to your myBeaufortCounty profile and click Explore Service under "Beaufort County Property Taxes"
2. Towards the right of the screen see, "My Properties" and select the property you wish to enroll
3. Under "Account Actions" click Enroll in eBilling
4. Click Accept
You are now enrolled in eBilling and will receive email notifications for new tax bills. If you decide to unenroll, see Unenroll from eBilling on myBeaufortCounty.